
Rest in the middle of culture

Culture Diary


Praegu üleval:

kuni: 15.09.2024

A Room of One’s Own – Together

Urpu-Elina Korhonen

Korhoneni õlimaalinäitus räägib inimese sisemisest maailmast kahest vaatepunktist. Iga inimene püüab moodustada tervikliku identiteedi, millele lähemale jõudmiseks vajab rahu ja üksindust. Kahe inimese vaheline vastastikmõju võib aidata soovitud terviklikkuse saavutada, kuid võib ka hoopis rahu ja loovat identiteeti kahjustada. 

Praegu üleval:

kuni: 31.12.2024

2024 Exhibitions

2024. a. näitused

The year 2024 is the European Capital of Culture year in Tartu. The theme of the capital year is Art of Survival. We have strived to select this year’s exhibitions in such a way that each exhibition illuminates the mentioned theme from its own perspective.

Upcoming events

Who we are

Tampere House is a cultural center and guest house of two twin cities. The house has three double rooms, three family rooms and one six-person room (through two floors). All rooms have their own bathroom, family rooms and also a kitchen. There are a total of 24 beds in our guest house.
Breakfast is included in the price.

Tampere House also organizes various cultural events – exhibitions, literary evenings.

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We also offer accommodation in the heart of Tartu

Comfortable and private rooms in the middle of culture