The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow – solargraphies from Tampere

Media artist Leena Lehti’s exhibition The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow will be opened in Tampere Maja on the 20th of June at 17.00. The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow is a solargraphy series shot in Tampere. The photos focus on urban space and layers of time. The exhibition is open until the 21st of July.

Leena Lehti took the photographs using the small pinhole cameras she made and placed them on buildings and roofs in Tampere. The exposure time used in solargraphy can range from several weeks and months to a year, during which the sun draws it’s daily trajectories in a single image as the world tilts as time passes and seasons change.

The sun’s movements are visible above the city skyline as lines of light stacked on top of each other, rising from left to right.

People are not inscribed in the solargraphy images, so the city looks deserted. Lehti strives to combine documentary and lyrical pictures to portray the fascinating mystery of the passage of time.

The initial images are from 2021, and the series continues to grow little by little.

Leena Lehti (1979) is a media artist who works in Tampere, Finland. She has graduated as a Bachelor of Media and Master of Arts. Lehti is interested in people’s relationship with the environment, nature and their own body. In her works, she uses old handmade film techniques combined with digital video and photography. Lehti´s art works are shown in screenings, art exhibitions and film festivals.