Mollu Heino “Monochrome Darkness”

Tampere-born artist Mollu Heino opens his exhibition at Tampere House on 8.2. at 17:00. Heino’s works are monochrome oil paintings.

Heino paints light and shadow. His paintings feature the shadow of a forest, the silhouettes of lush trees, distant landscapes and reflections of water. “I’m somewhat romantic, although some may see gloomy dystopias in these dark pictures,” Heino thinks.

Heino paints light and shadow. His paintings feature the shadow of a forest, the silhouettes of lush trees, distant landscapes and reflections of water. “I’m somewhat romantic, although some may see gloomy dystopias in these dark pictures,” Heino thinks.

Mollu Heino, Against the Light, 2017

Heino has studied applied arts at a university and organized an exhibition wall both in Finland and abroad. Heino has come a long way in his career as an artist. He has twice worked as a county artist.